Tips To Good Health
1. Educate yourself on nutrition; do not depend on others to determine what is good for you. A good diet will resolve or prevent many illnesses. A poor diet is equivalent to poor material and workmanship in a house, it soon falls apart.
2. Avoid prepared foods if you are not sure of how it was prepared.
3. Steam your vegetables; they release 5 times the amount of vitamins than most raw vegetables. Boiled water has vitamins dumped down the drain and you lose a lot of nutritional value.
4. Skins on most vegetables and fruits hold most vitamins and nutrients, try to include them as part of your meal instead of discarding them.
5. If you must use a micro wave, be sure to let the food sit, usually 5 minutes, before eating.
6. When at a restaurant, if you question how a particular meal is prepared, simply ask the waiter, they will be glad to tell you exactly how it was prepared. You can then determine whether you can eat that meal or chose a different meal.
7. Alcohol and tobacco is not welcomed by the body for any reason, there are no significant functions by either and should be avoided to maintain proper health and reduce vulnerability to numerous illnesses in addition to cancer.
8. Moderation is important, too much of a good thing can and will cause problems.
9. Vitamin supplements are extremely important if taken properly and according to the body's requirements. Each person's body has different requirements, therefore, a different vitamin requirement for each person. Do not take vitamins because they sound good or because it is a fad. The term "vitamin" has been abused because too many people use the term to describe similar affects by all. Each has its own place and function in nutritional application to the body. Cancer patients should beware of some vitamins as certain vitamins will accelerate cancer while others will reduce cancer.
10. Exercise as often as possible, within reason. Be sure to investigate the exercises best suited for you. Listen to your body, if it does not like something, speak to your doctor and/or investigate, determine why and act accordingly.
11. Maintain a positive attitude, especially during stressful times.
12. Avoid environments that are considered a threat to your health. When you must be in unhealthy environment, be sure to prepare yourself properly to prevent or reduce exposure.
13. Medical checkups are a good preventative measure to keep yourself well balanced and to identify problems early.
14. When choosing a doctor, determine their ability to accurately diagnose more than whether they smile. It can mean the difference of your lifespan. Good bedside manner is important; however their ability to properly help you comes first.
15. When you go for medical checkups, be sure to get extensive testing if your doctor requests it.
16. Be sure to write a list of questions before you go to the doctors to insure that you get all the answers. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor questions, be sure that you are satisfied with the answers. Be smart enough to accept something even if it is not what you want to hear. If you do not agree, investigate and educate yourself to better understand the situation and to understand why the doctor gave the answers you received.
17. Second opinions are encouraged when you do not agree with the diagnosis.
18. The best guide to preventative medicine is to educate yourself and your family, learn as much as you can about who you are, what makes your body function and what you must do to properly maintain your health at maximum potential. This in turn will provide you with the most enjoyment in your life and lower your vulnerability to become ill, and will speed up your recovery time when illness does strike.