Video Testimonials

Diagnosed 2002 had recurrence in 2006 and 2008.
Feb. 2009 she started the program. May 2009 showed improvement and quick healing.
Feb. 2010 her tests showed no activity and that she is completely clean.

Diagnosed Oct. 2000. Started program January 2002.
Tumors diminished Spring 2002. No evidence of cancer September 2002.

Cowboy Joe - Pancreatic, Liver, Stomach, Throat and Neck Cancer
Diagnosed September 2003 with a CA19-9 cancer marker of 875.
By January 2004 it was down to 310. By November 2004 it was down to 11 (normal) and he showed no evidence of cancer anywhere in his body.

Joe Y. - Double Lung and Left Hip cancer - Advanced 4th Stage
Diagnosed November 2005. By January 4th almost half the cancerous tissue was necrotic. April 10, 2006 90-95% of the cancerous tissue was dead. Coughed up 38 dead lung tumors making surgery for his lung cancer unneccessary.

Steve H. - Prostate Cancer and Mercury Poisoning
Diagnosed January 2003 with prostate cancer and mercury poisoning at 63 parts per million(ppm), normal is 5ppm. Showed no evidence of cancer in 3 months. After 8 months mercury level was 3ppm.

Wheel chair bound 5 years from MS, started October 2008. 11 part video diary showing her progress over a 4 month period.