Lung Cancer


Lillie had heard about the nutritional program when her father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few years earlier. Unfortunately, her father was unable to take the nutritional program and he passed away. When her mother was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer in April 2002, Lillie contacted NHERF. Her Mom started the program 3 weeks after her first chemo treatment of Eptoposide and Cysplatin. Prior to beginning the nutritional program, the chemo treatments left her feeling weak and tired. After adding the nutritional program, she felt energetic enough to go shopping, cook, clean, and play with her grandchildren.

On July 2, 2002, Lillie was happy to report that her Mom's liver tumors were gone. The tumors in her lung had decreased and some had also decreased in size so that they were no longer visible on the CT scan.

During late 2003, because the chemo treatments continued nonstop, she became weaker and the tumors started to increase again, She got very ill in the fall and passed away in December 2003. She was such a wonderful lady and a dear friend to all in her town, and she worked right up until the end, making shrimp & fish nets as part of the family business. Lillie is such a wonderful lady like her mom, you could not know a nicer family. We were so sad to see this happen. This is why we work so hard to prevent this.

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